DICOM to BIDS Conversion (Dcm2bids)

NOTE: this document describes usage of Dcm2bids 2.1.x as used in the dcm2bids and dcm2bids_xa30_test labwide conda environments -- if using the dcm2bids3 environment (intended for use with the Dcm2bids3 NORDIC wrapper, refer to the Dcm2bids 3 documentation page linked below for information on breaking changes introduced in Dcm2bids 3

Read: Dcm2bids 2.1.9 documentation page

Read: Dcm2bids 3 documentation page

Watch: Dcm2bids DCAN tutorial recording

Dcm2bids is a tool to convert data from DICOM format into proper brain imaging data structure (BIDS)

Dcm2bids can be loaded via the labwide Miniconda’s dcm2bids environment. (See (b) further down in this section.)

  1. dcm2bids requires a configuration file specifically tailored to the contents of the JSON “sidecar” files that contain metadata for the image files. The config file is a way to uniquely identify each file that needs to be converted.

    • Example section:

      example dcm2bids

    • Above is an example of a description field, which describes an acquisition, in this case a T2-weighted image.

    • The dataType field is mandatory for any acquisition. It is a functional group that will define different types of data: func, dwi, fmap, anat, meg, and beh.

    • The modalityLabel is also mandatory. It describes the modality of the acquisition, such as T1w, T2w, dwi, or bold.

    • The criteria section is used to match unique identifiers in the sidecar files with values entered in the section. SeriesDescription will find any file that contains the specified value. In this example, SeriesDescription is looking for any file that contains the characters T2 somewhere in the file name. It is also looking for EchoTime fields with a value of 0.1.

    • The sidecarChanges field is optional and it will change or add any information in the sidecar file. In this example, the field ProtocolName with the value of T2 is being adjusted in the sidecar.

  2. Commands used to convert files from DICOMs to NIfTIs:

    • source /home/faird/shared/code/external/envs/miniconda3/load_miniconda3.sh

    • conda activate dcm2bids

      • For multi-echo data, or data acquired on a Siemens scanner with an XA software package (e.g. XA30), use conda activate dcm2bids3 if using the Dcm2bids3 NORDIC wrapper (note you must update your config files to be dcm2bids3 compatible -- see https://unfmontreal.github.io/Dcm2Bids/3.0.2/upgrade/#upgrading-from-2x-to-3x for a summary of breaking changes between 2.x and 3.x), else use conda activate dcm2bids_xa30_test
    • dcm2bids_helper -d /path/to/input/dir/ -o /path/to/output/dir/

      • The input directory ( -d ) contains the original dicom files.

      • The -o flag is optional. It will create a directory for the output either in your input directory or in the output directory you specify.

      • The dcm2bids_helper will give you an example of the sidecars. You can use the helper with the dicoms of one participant. It will utilize dcm2niix and save the result inside the tmp_dcm2bids/helper of the output directory.

      • After completing your config file, to run dcm2bids, first cd into your BIDS directory. Then use this command: dcm2bids -d /path/to/input/dir/ -p participant_id -c /path/to/config_file.json

  3. For ABCC data, abcd-dicom2bids: used for selectively downloading ABCD Study imaging DICOM data QC'ed as good by the ABCD DAIC site (fast track qc), converting it to BIDS standard input data (see here), selecting the best pair of spin echo field maps, and correcting the sidecar JSON files to meet the BIDS Validator specification. abcd-dicom2bids still uses dicom2bids, but uses a config file that is specific to ABCC. See more information on the repository. For information on how to use the fast track qc, navigate to this section. It is important to note that when running abcd-dicom2bids , cache can fill up in your home directory under /home/{share}/x500/x500/ , so check up on and delete files within this directory when necessary.

    • Example run command for a list of subjects, with good sbatch specs:


    !/bin/bash -l

    SBATCH --job-name=abcd2bids

    SBATCH --time=12:00:00

    SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=50gb

    SBATCH --tmp=80gb

    SBATCH --output=output_logs/dicom2bids_%A_%a.out

    SBATCH --error=output_logs/dicom2bids_%A_%a.err

    SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

    SBATCH --mail-user=@umn.edu

    SBATCH -A miran045

    SBATCH -p amdsmall,small

    source /home/faird/shared/code/external/envs/miniconda3/load_miniconda3.sh

    module load singularity

    . "/home/faird/shared/code/external/envs/miniconda3/mini3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" export PATH="/home/faird/shared/code/external/envs/miniconda3/mini3/bin:$PATH" export PATH=$PATH:/home/feczk001/shared/code/external/utilities/dcmtk-3.6.5/dcmtk-3.6.5-build/bin export PATH=$PATH:/home/feczk001/shared/code/external/utilities/jq-1.5

    python3 /home/rando149/shared/code/internal/utilities/abcd-dicom2bids/abcd2bids.py /common/software/install/migrated/fsl/6.0.4/ /home/feczk001/shared/code/external/utilities/MATLAB_MCR/v91/ -q /home/rando149/shared/code/internal/utilities/abcd-dicom2bids/spreadsheets/fastqc20230912/abcd_fastqc01.txt -l /path/to/subject_list/subjects.txt -o /path/to/output_dir/ -p 1219957 --download=/path/to/raw/data/downloaded --downloadcmd /home/faird/shared/code/external/envs/miniconda3/mini3/envs/abcd-dicom2bids/bin/downloadcmd --singularity /home/rando149/shared/code/internal/utilities/abcd-dicom2bids_nda/validator_latest.sif


    - In the run command, `-q` is the path to quality control (QC) spreadsheet file downloaded from the NDA,`-l` is the list of subjects being converted, `-o` is where the outputs are being stored, `-p` is the package ID number of relevant NDA data package, `--downloadcmd` is the path where the downloadcmd has been installed.
    - For more information on arguments, see the ReadMe section on Optional Arguments [here](https://github.com/DCAN-Labs/abcd-dicom2bids).
    - For running multiple subjects, it is advised to use a [wrapper ](wrappers.md)to submit one subject/session at a time. There is a wrapper for tier 1 here: `/home/faird/shared/code/internal/utilities/SLURM_wrappers/slurm_abcd-hcp-pipeline_scripts` and a wrapper for tier 2 here: `/home/faird/shared/code/internal/utilities/SLURM_wrappers/slurm_abcd-hcp-pipeline_scripts_with_s3_routines_with_ses`
        * Note: if you do not have access to the faird share, please fill out [this contact form](https://innovation.umn.edu/developmental-cognition-and-neuroimaging-lab/contact-us/) to request access.