CDNI's Brain


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The Brain is currently under construction. Sections are being reorganized and expanded. Please be patient as we try to improve this handbook.

This handbook outlines key tools and resources used by the Center for Developmental NeuroImaging (CDNI). Topics covered range from using MSI to basecamp tips. For a full list of topics, see the menu to the left. The broad categories as defined as follows:

Section Content
Overview Defining the purpose of this documentation and the labs' goals
MSI General MSI usage tips, mostly focused on storage and access
SLURM Tips and notes on using SLURM on MSI
Software Environments Coding environments and how to use them
Coding Standards Best practices for codebase maintenance within the lab
GitHub GitHub setup, tips, and tricks
BIDS Anything to convert or validate BIDS data
Before Processing Any steps the center performs before running processing pipelines (ABCD-BIDS, fMRIPrep, NiBabies, etc)
Processing Running data processing pipelines on MSI (ABCD-BIDS, fMRIPrep, NiBabies, etc)
After Processing Any steps the lab does after running processing (ABCD-BIDS, fMRIPrep, NiBabies, etc)
Troubleshooting Notes on troubleshooting the center's codebases
Quality Control Quality control methods within the lab
Data Uploads and Transfers Moving data within and outside of MSI
NDA Uploads Managing data on the NDA
Lab Resources Lab recommendations and software used outside of MSI
Plotting Tools Tools used by the lab to create various figures
Analysis Tools Tools used by the lab to perform various analyses
PHI Quick guide on PHI for a reminder
MR Image How to create synthetic images
Contributions Authors of this documentation and CDNI papers