How to Install Programs on a UMN Computer


For downloading new programs, you will need to request admin access from the OIT Help Desk at 612-301-4357.

Explain that you are trying to install a particular software/application and ask for admin privileges. They’ll go through an identity verification process with you and then generate a temporary password that works for 24 hours.

Username: .\useradmin Password: auto generated each time

Note: Due to the identity verification requirement, you cannot request these privileges through an emailed help ticket. You have to call them.


For downloading new programs, you will need to self promote admin rights via the Self Service application installed on your university computer. Within the Self Service application, do the following: 1. Click Browse -> JIT Admin Rights on the left-hand menu 2. Under JIT Admin Rights, under Grant Temporary Admin Rights (30 mins), click Promote. 3. The username and password for your computer login profile is now the admin username and password for the next 30 minutes.

Note: updates made while promoting admin rights are reviewed by the U.