Processing Status

Produce status html on the output data to see how many processing jobs succeeded and failed (only available for abcd-hcp-pipeline and infant-abcd-bids pipelines).

  1. If your dataset is more than 10 subjects, start an interactive session first: srun -N 1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=5gb -A feczk001 -t 6:00:00 -p interactive --x11 --pty bash

  2. Load lab-wide miniconda3 environment and activate the abcd-hcp-pipeline_audit: source /home/faird/shared/code/external/envs/miniconda3/

    conda activate abcd-hcp-pipeline_audit

NOTE: You do NOT need to module load python before running the command, this will cause the audit to not work

  1. Navigate to the correct directory: cd /home/faird/shared/code/internal/utilities/abcd-hcp-pipeline_audit

  2. To run on data that's on the s3, s3 keys are needed (run s3info in the command line, then see 1. below). To run on tier 1, see 2.

    1. S3:
      python3 --s3_access_key CENSORED --s3_secret_key CENSORED --report_output_dir path/to/the/directory/where/you/want/the/outputs/ s3://bucket_name/path/to/tier2/BIDS_inputs/ s3://bucket_name/path/to/tier2/outputs/ group

    Note: Be sure to include a backslash (/) at the end of the s3 buckets

    1. Tier 1:
      python3 --report_output_dir path/to/the/directory/where/you/want/the/outputs/ /path/to/tier1/BIDS_inputs/ /path/to/tier1/output/ group
  3. Will produce a s3_status_report.html and .csv. These files give information on the results of each processing step for each subject/session pair. A tip for determining subjects’ processing status counts is to download the .csv into excel, create a pivot table of the data, and provide session ID in the values section and the name of the last column in the rows section. For more detailed information, please refer to the abcd-hcp-pipeline_audit repository on GitHub.